Posts tagged 1031 Exchange
Riding the Ferris Wheel and Planning an Exit Strategy for a Tenant-in-Common Investment

On June 21, 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, more than 2,000 people gathered for the opening of the world’s largest Ferris Wheel. After George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., designer of the wheel, and other dignitaries gave speeches, and the fifty-piece Iowa State Band played patriotic tunes, the wheel was started for the first time, belying the background story.

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Changes Considerations in Section 1031 Exchanges

A real estate investor might start small, with a single duplex and eventually, through a series of purchases, sales, and reinvestments, the real estate investor may own multiple large apartment complexes, office buildings, or even high-rise mixed-use buildings. In those instances, although the primary purchase was real estate, each purchase would come with a certain amount of personal property in the form of appliances, furnishings, supplies, and other equipment necessary to operate the real estate. Comparing a real estate transaction to a violin purchase, purchasing the violin would be akin to purchasing the real property, and purchasing the bow and case would be more like the personal property that is purchased with the real estate investment. 

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